viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

My blog's grade.

My blog's score is 9.
I thought that all my posts were good, but I did them a little bit late because of my work.
I did my best posting ideas and I tried to find the way where them could be insteresting.
I did all the assigments unless the one in which we had to rewrite our story, that's because I did it late.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

”Homosexual Marriage”

1. Homosexual marriage has to be legalized in Costa Rica.
2. Homosexual people have the same rights than heterosexual ones.
3. Don’t accept homosexual marriage is a synonym of racism.
I disagree with the statements posted above; I think that if Costa Rica approves homosexual marriage we will see them everywhere. It doesn’t mean that I hate them, but is kind of disgusting see them in romantic situations.
I agree that we have to share rights with every kind of people, but in my mind doesn’t exist a same-sex family.
We have to respect others and their preferences, but I hope that homosexual marriage wouldn´t exist in Costa Rica.

Carmela’s business trip.

One day Carmela decided to go on a business trip.
The insurance company where she works chose her as the best one for traveling.
She stared her journey one Tuesday morning and she will never forget this day.
Carmela arrived to the airport with her luggage, it was just one suitcase. While she was doing the line a handsome man (Ricardo) started talking to her.
She was interested to meet new friends, so they became good friends immediately.
Ricardo asked Carmela for a favor. He needed Carmela´s luggage to keep two cans of tuna fish.
She was amazed with the sightseeing, so she didn’t pay attention to the tuna fish cans.
After few minutes the fight took off and everything was ok. The trouble started when a police officer asked for Carmela´s passport and the security stuff stopped the flight to arrest Carmela.
She didn’t know what was happening until the police officer told her about the tuna fish cans in her luggage.
The cans were full of drugs and unfortunately Camela finished her business trip in the jail.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Are you having any strange situation with your partner?

Are you suspecting something is wrong with your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Is something that you don’t like appearing?

It’s time to know what is wrong… It’s time to discover the reality…Let’s check if your partner is cheating you!
Tomorrow during the English class you will see how to trap a cheating guy through a terrific product made by me.
This is just a preview of what you’ll see during my presentation, I chose this topic because a friend of a friend is dealing with her boyfriend’s lies, I decided to help her and at the same time help most of women in the world.
You are cordially invited to discover the reality with my help, let’s give a step on the future, let’s try this innovation that is making everyone becomes aware of reality.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Ideal location for business in Costa Rica.

I think that business is everywhere, it depends more on ideas than location.
One good place for business in Costa Rica can be San José, that’s because it is the capital of the country. In San José you can find people everywhere, but at the same time you can find competence everywhere.
Another ideal place for commerce is closer to the beach. Now days; beaches are full of tourists, and tourism is one of the best way for development.
Also you can do it in your own town, sometimes if you start business with the people you know, you create strong bases for future projects.
You can think on the best location in Costa Rica for business, but the key is how to sale and how to call customer’s attention.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

What and How I normally eat.

Food likes are related to customs in our family and culture in our country.
In my family we used to eat rice, beans, meat, veggies and salad. This is the most common pattern repeated all days in my family diet.
These foods can be combined in different ways such us soup, mixed rice or with pasta that makes variable meals.
I used to eat three meals per day, nutritionists say that the recommended amount of meals per day is 5, but my disorganized life style doesn´t permit me follow these recommendations.
The way my family eats is common for most families in Costa Rica, that’s because we are a native family and we learned this country’s culture well. As I mentioned before food depends on culture, so I think that people in Costa Rica prefer to eat typical food than foreign food.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

How will education and/or business change in the future?

Is simple to have an overview about future; talking about business and education advantages.
For future generations teachers will be extinct, everything will be solve by internet, using technology and lots of new things that now days we don’t know.
We will forget written homework or exams, those are bad news for us (teachers), but I think that teachers will be replaced by computers and internet.


Is a synonym of development, with the globalization everything grows; technology, telecommunications, internet, facilities, infrastructure and others. The problem is that those advantages mentioned grow as fast as pollution and competition.
I think that the best paragraph about globalization is the first one, it mentions the benefits of development and its consequences.
Now days is simple to communicate with people around the world, is easier to travel, we can see big buildings full of people working in big companies with lots of technology. But at the same time flora and fauna are disappearing, pollution is damaging air and water.
We need to be conscious about globalization and its consequences for future years.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Etiquette and Protocol Training.

I will talk about etiquette and protocol in different events. What you should do or shouldn’t do in a formal event, an important dinner or meeting.
I’ll work alone. I’m not sure about my presentation, but it is planned to be a presentation of good manners and I’ll include my classmate’s participation performing some things that I will talk about.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

My Dream Work!

Hi guys!! This post is for the first homework I didn’t, so I have to do it hehehe… Talking about the deal work, I think that is the one where you can have many facilities, such as a flexible schedule, a nice boss, friendly coworkers and a huge salary…But let’s back to reality, It doesn’t exist. The real dream work for me is when you work and you enjoy what you are doing, few people have the opportunity to find it, but if you found it take advantage of it. I like my job, so I think that I can talk about it as my dream work, it is great because I teach little children and in most of the cases they teach me a lot. My job is closer to my house so it is a big advantage because I don’t have to wake so early in the morning, also I really enjoy share with my classmates and now days I consider that my salary is not bad… As a conclusion, try to study something that you really like, and try to find a job that you like too. This is a great manner to receive money having fun.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Fall seven times, get up eight.

Fall seven times, get up eight and more. Life is to learn and the best way to do it is by mistaking. Once you have committed many errors you can say that you are becoming wise. But is important not only commit errors the key of learning is recognize them and transform them in something positive to your life. Don’t be like the ones that cry, complain, and look for other’s compassion, get up as many times as you have to and take advantage on your mistakes.

  • Below I wrote more proverbs for you to enjoy: A penny always turns up. A whistling women and a crowing hen are neither fit for God or men. If you lie down with dogs you will come up with fleas. Laughter is the closest distance between two people.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

What professionalism means to me: my past, present, and future.

Professionalism is an umbrella term used to describe people with a large career or to describe many different aspects of business conduct. In my opinion, professionalism is the way you practice the knowledge acquired during your whole life. It doesn’t depend on an important job or a high position in a big company, it depends on the way you manage your job or this important position. Professionalism goes together with your past; without past there’s no learning without learning, no professionals. I think that now days I’m a good professional and that is because of my past learning, and I’m not talking about school learning I mean daily-life learning. Since I was a child I learned values, like how to respect others, be responsible, be honest, help others and a little bit of tolerance, all of these values made me the person who I am. With the past of the time and during my school years I learned that people can hurt your feelings, specially children, for that reason at the same time I understood that the most important thing is who you are, no what you look like. While I grew up I became more independent. I stared taking my own decisions, most of them were errors but those errors made me better and permitted me took great decisions. I studied Bilingual Preschool Education, but I think that this is just a title that gave me the chance to get a job, cover my costs and pay taxes. I’m a real professional because of my past learning; that showed me how to interact with others, how to solve daily life problems, how to learn through my errors and how to be the professional I am.

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

There are many companies all over around the world. With the pass of the years they have been increasing in size and number. Now days the business competition is hard, for that reason only smart companies are still functioning.
I think that the key of each company is costumers, companies that think on other´s necessities and likes are the ones that have exit.
The main objective in business is to sell, to sell you need customers and if a company emphasizes in customer’s needs, the exit should be the result.
Another main thing that a company should have is a good management and employees. Employees make the business to grow, a good corporation works hard to make them happy. I think that happy employees, with good salaries and facilities are a synonym of development.
One example of a good company is The Walt Disney Company and its affiliated companies.
Walt Disney is a great diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise with many business segments, like: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment and consumer products.
This company works hard for people’s likes, since the T.V and movies programs through big parks. This corporation is famous all over around the world and with the pass of the time they improve their quality innovating in all their areas.
On contrary, examples of bad companies are the ones that give perturbing things to the public or customers. I think that the worst kinds of company around the world are porno producers or sellers. Is disgusting to know how some businesses get money making other people sick.