jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Ideal location for business in Costa Rica.

I think that business is everywhere, it depends more on ideas than location.
One good place for business in Costa Rica can be San José, that’s because it is the capital of the country. In San José you can find people everywhere, but at the same time you can find competence everywhere.
Another ideal place for commerce is closer to the beach. Now days; beaches are full of tourists, and tourism is one of the best way for development.
Also you can do it in your own town, sometimes if you start business with the people you know, you create strong bases for future projects.
You can think on the best location in Costa Rica for business, but the key is how to sale and how to call customer’s attention.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey Andrea,

    So what are some limitations to "ideas"? What kinds of infrastructure do good ideas need to develop?

    Also, remember that sale is a noun, so what is the verb? (look at the last sentence)

    Have a good week,

  2. Hi Andrea, I agree, business are everywhere, and the location is not the most important factor afecting succesful of the business, probably the way your business get their clients atention is more important.
