viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

My Dream Work!

Hi guys!! This post is for the first homework I didn’t, so I have to do it hehehe… Talking about the deal work, I think that is the one where you can have many facilities, such as a flexible schedule, a nice boss, friendly coworkers and a huge salary…But let’s back to reality, It doesn’t exist. The real dream work for me is when you work and you enjoy what you are doing, few people have the opportunity to find it, but if you found it take advantage of it. I like my job, so I think that I can talk about it as my dream work, it is great because I teach little children and in most of the cases they teach me a lot. My job is closer to my house so it is a big advantage because I don’t have to wake so early in the morning, also I really enjoy share with my classmates and now days I consider that my salary is not bad… As a conclusion, try to study something that you really like, and try to find a job that you like too. This is a great manner to receive money having fun.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for posting this... better late than never. A few comments about vocab... how can you fix:

    -Talking about
    -ideal work
    -but if you found it
    -I also really enjoy share with my classmates
    -now days

    Generally you're doing very well, but there are just a few things to polish up. Thanks again, and have a great week!


  2. Those kinds of jobs do not exist nowaday I believe.. Maybe on Taco Bell they do but not including a hugesalary as the one you want to recieve :o The fact you enjoy working on what you work is something awesome, something sometimes hard to find but what you should be proud of.

    Nice post, see ya.
    Your partner, Ricardo.

  3. Hi Andrea,

    I like the way you think, we should work in what ever make us happy, even if the salary doesn´t pay for luxury, I know a lot of people that ern a lot of money but it doesn´t make them happy so they are poor.
