viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

What professionalism means to me: my past, present, and future.

Professionalism is an umbrella term used to describe people with a large career or to describe many different aspects of business conduct. In my opinion, professionalism is the way you practice the knowledge acquired during your whole life. It doesn’t depend on an important job or a high position in a big company, it depends on the way you manage your job or this important position. Professionalism goes together with your past; without past there’s no learning without learning, no professionals. I think that now days I’m a good professional and that is because of my past learning, and I’m not talking about school learning I mean daily-life learning. Since I was a child I learned values, like how to respect others, be responsible, be honest, help others and a little bit of tolerance, all of these values made me the person who I am. With the past of the time and during my school years I learned that people can hurt your feelings, specially children, for that reason at the same time I understood that the most important thing is who you are, no what you look like. While I grew up I became more independent. I stared taking my own decisions, most of them were errors but those errors made me better and permitted me took great decisions. I studied Bilingual Preschool Education, but I think that this is just a title that gave me the chance to get a job, cover my costs and pay taxes. I’m a real professional because of my past learning; that showed me how to interact with others, how to solve daily life problems, how to learn through my errors and how to be the professional I am.

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