lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Never Land Planet

Life on Never Land Planet.

In Never Land everything can happen.
Never Land people are friendly, sociable, extrovert, intelligent and honestly, they really value love, religion, fashion, beauty and relationships.
Never Landers, also, like to study and improve their selves with new knowledge. They are responsible with studies and work.
These people like new things for that reason it is covered with new buildings, highways, parks, gardens and shopping centers, keeping nature at the same time. There are recreation centers and clubs because Never Landers love to have fun.
Everything is clean and well organized there.
There are no dirty animals in Never Land, no abandoned dogs or cats on streets. People there prefer children rather than animals.
In this planet everybody enjoys wearing new outfits every day, people don’t use the same cloth in some weeks, they always try to combine their shoes with accessories and cloth. Also they really use body lotions, make up and perfumes because they smells good and had a great appearance.
In Never Land simple details are important, everything is planned with anticipation.
People are very intuitive, they have a sixth sense that allows people to know if something is right or wrong, this presentiment lets them know people feelings better.
Never Land is very similar with Venus it is beauty, people are intuitive, sensitive and value relationships.
In Mars people love work and so in Never Land, but in Never Land it isn’t a priority.
Never Landers are more interested in fashion and love, Martians couldn’t care less about romance and relationships.
Mars habitants prefer technology and people in Never Land objects and things are not important.
Rather than wear uniforms (like in Mars), they prefer to use different outfits each day (like in Venus).
Never Land people prefer work than novels (like in Venus) they are sensitive but not as much as a psychology.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Andrea!

    Nice descriptions... very detailed!

    One thing I noticed is word forms. Be careful that you're using adjectives when you need adjectives, nouns when you need nouns, etc.

    For example, a couple of misused words I noticed were:

    Nice details, and I'll wait to hear your review of your partner's planet!
