lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Andrea is a nice girl who lives in Palmares and work as a preschool teacher in San Agustin School. She started as a teacher assisstant and then got a job as an english preschool teacher, job that she prefers because she has more freedom to work at her own rate.

She grew up in Palmares, and when she was in High School, she and her family moved to Guanacaste. After that she stared the university in San Jose and during this time she got pregnant and her son Alejandro borned. Nevertheless, she finished the University. Now she's a Master in Education. She's studying English and she thinks that she will pass all their life studying, because that's something that she loves.

"The real love is the love of your family" she said when she talks about her son. He's her reason to live. "I don't know what I´d do without him" she said. Alejandro is four years old and he's a little naughty kid, also he is very smart for his age.

Andrea loves to be fashionable, buying new clothes, perfumes and accessories. "I love to be a woman" she said, because all the fashionable things that women can use, but I think that's because she can use her feminine power to manipulate men.

Andrea is a very versatile woman, with many goals and a lot of energy to do whatever she wants.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Andrea,

    Nice work on the corrections. I still noticed a few remaining things, however. How should you change the following:

    -english preschool teacher
    -she thinks that she will pass all their life studying

    Those are the ones that stood out most.

    See you tomorrow!
