domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

La Segua

Many Years ago, when the TV didn’t exist, most of people met together telling stories about different topics, especially scary stories.
One of these stories is “La Segua”; it says that when men went to parties and returned late at home something bad would happen. A beautiful woman seduced men who came late at home, and once she was near them, and went to kiss them, her face turned into a horse. He He ... if that happens now days men could have a better behavior out of home...

2 comentarios:

  1. Jajajaja that's true because I love to be out of my house... Also people from cañas belive in "La Mona", nowdays if you ask for this legend in Cañas they will tell a lot od stories of her jejejej...fortunally I couln't see her jejeje

  2. Haha, I was going to make a similar comment to Jean Carlo's. Does the Seguo's face turn into a donkey, or something weirder?

