domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Unreal Sentences

1. Last Saturday I was sick. If I had been in class last Saturday, I would have fewer difficulties doing the homework.

2. There’re a lot of floods around the world. If people had taken care about planet, the weather wouldn’t be doing that kind of damages.

3. San Jose-Caldera Street is still closed. If they had done a strong street, they wouldn't be in trouble now.

4. In Alajuela more than 1.404 cars had been stolen. If people were more cautious, they wouldn’t lose their cars.

5. Chile’s rescue tunnel is already done. If this tunnel wasn’t done, miners would be trapped more time or they would die.

6. Miners trapped in Chile will have an ipod, money, one trip to Grecia and to Real Madrid as a gift after their nightmare. If miners weren’t trapped in the cave, they wouldn’t have any gift.

7. Last month San Juan de San Ramón was affected by a flood. If people had constructed theirs houses far away of a river, they would safe their home.

8. Rain has stop during this week. If rain had been falling, more people would be affected.

9. People from Zaragoza-Palmares are happy because the celebrations there already stared. If there were no celebrations, people wouldn’t be as happy as now.

10. Zaragoza’s parties stared last Friday. If it had rained an hour ago, Zaragoza’s tope would be ruined.

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