viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010


This bimestrial has passed so fast. I liked it a lot.
I think that the blogg is the best way to do homework, I’d never seen a practical way to be in contact with classmates and the teacher, through this blog you can read your classmates opinion and so the teacher, the most interesting part is that you don’t have to use papers.
Taking about the class my favourite part was warm-up activities they always include contests, songs or games. I liked role-play activities in which we acted, they were so funny.
My favourite topic was food, talk about it and when we created our restaurant poster, is very nice observe people’s creativity and thoughts.
I liked less when we talked about places and its story this topic was boring.
I think that my class work was good because I paid attention every moment; also I participate during the activities done.
I think I did a good job; I tried to do my best when we worked in groups and individually. I learned a lot but I wanted to improve my knowledge about phrasal verbs I really have problems with that so I think that a little bit more of this topic would help me more.

2 comentarios:

  1. Teacher I have no computer at home last weekend for that reason I did the homework kind of late, hope you understand!!! bye

  2. Hi Andrea,

    Yeah, it's OK. I still read it. Thanks for your comments.

    See you tomorrow!
