lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

English... What I like about this Language....
I like English because is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. As in most parts of the world in Costa Rica it is a big opportunity to get job and it opens many business doors. That English is used almost everywhere is only one of the many advantages of learning the language.
I like everything about English, but I think that it can be difficult to learn if you start practicing it late… If you are in an English environment since you are a child learning English skills would be easier.
My strongest language skill is pronunciation, it isn’t difficult to me, and also fluency I have no problems talking English because I’m not shy. My weakest skill is grammar most of the time I forget simple English grammar rules such as adding letter “s”, plural things, tenses and so on.
I really want to improve grammar and vocabulary. Grammar because, as I said, most of the time I have problems in this area, especially with tenses. And vocabulary because it is a large area with many things to know, I think that English vocabulary never stops.
Well, in my opinion talk with a native speaker is the best way to learn English, also by internet or watching English movies.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for your thoughts. I would also add "presentation skills" as one of your strong areas!

    See you tomorrow,
