viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Universal Behaviors I Observed;

-People marry for many reasons, including one or more of the following: legal, social, emotional, economical, spiritual, and religious. Yesterday I went to a marriage ceremony. I saw one of my best friends getting marriage with her boyfriend; they went to the church together, the churchman blessed them and after that a little party celebrating the occasion. It is a universal behavior because that happens in all over the world. Ceremony and celebration might change drastically in each place, but the behavior has the same objective.

-I was in a delicious fast food restaurant and I saw people doing line for get their orders, immediately I thought that it is a universal behavior because in all the world people line-up. It is like an organization rule to get what you need in a populated place, people in line (first-come, first-served) wait for goods or services. Examples include checking out groceries or other goods that have been collected in a self service shop, in a shop without self service, at an ATM, at a ticket desk, a city bus, or in a taxi stand.

Cultural Behaviors;

-I went to work training; it was a meeting with an important psychologist to talk about children and their needs, the event was at 6 pm, but it started at 7:30 pm because the “important psychologist” arrived late. I think it is a cultural behavior because in this country is common observe how important events start late. That happens from small meetings through big concerts and political events.

-That example is something that happens to a friend, so I didn’t observe it, but I think is a great cultural behavior.She was invited by a Russian friend out to dinner. At the end of a wonderful meal her friend asked if she would like a banana. She politely declined and thanked him, and explained she was most satisfied with the meal. But the whole while her mind was racing: "What do I do? Do I offer her a banana even though they are as close to him as they are to me? What is the polite thing to do?".
The cultural behavior is that in Russia, when a man peels a banana for a lady it means he has a romantic interest in her.

Personal Behavior;

-One day during my English class children were seen a movie, at the end of the movie one of them started crying a lot. He was crying because of the movie. I think it is a personal behavior because is his own way to react to different life circumstances. Also it is personally because this reaction can change individually and doesn’t depend on culture.

lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Costa Rican people culture and behaviours

Costa Rican people behaviors:

• Women have to cook and be in the kitchen while men just wait for her to serve the food: this is just one “machismo” example, in Costa Rica chauvinism covers more than an 80% of families. This behavior is usual; in most of the cases is common to see the wife serving food while her husband waits on his chair, so happens with cloth washing, dish washing and so on…
Cultural value: Chauvinism. Of course those behaviors don’t represent the whole Costa Rican population. Men and women are expected to act differently from each other, and to respect their roles. A large proportion of Costa Rican women are professionals and hold important positions in both businesses and the government, but they still retain some traits that are traditional and conservative.

Holy week free of work and school: In Costa Rica Holy or Easter week celebration is great because in most of cases schools don’t work and so many companies around the country, that makes an excellent opportunity to go on vacations and share with family. However, some people choose to stay at home and to join religious celebrations that include masses and processions. Nearly everything shuts down from Thursday to Monday, which is why it's a good idea to stock up on goods before then, and to avoid traveling, since some transportation services also stop completely.
Cultural Value: Catholic Believers.

• Give seat to pregnant women on a bus: when you travel on a public bus is usual and nice to see people giving seat to a pregnant women that is a good example that represents Costa Rican’s hospitality, but that behavior doesn’t happen just on a bus, you can see it in a bank, stores, markets, etc… and that isn’t just for pregnant women it is so for old people and disabled people. There’s an important law to respect people needs; Law No 7600 Equal Opportunities for Persons With Disabilities.
Cultural value: Friendliness and hospitality.

lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

English... What I like about this Language....
I like English because is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. As in most parts of the world in Costa Rica it is a big opportunity to get job and it opens many business doors. That English is used almost everywhere is only one of the many advantages of learning the language.
I like everything about English, but I think that it can be difficult to learn if you start practicing it late… If you are in an English environment since you are a child learning English skills would be easier.
My strongest language skill is pronunciation, it isn’t difficult to me, and also fluency I have no problems talking English because I’m not shy. My weakest skill is grammar most of the time I forget simple English grammar rules such as adding letter “s”, plural things, tenses and so on.
I really want to improve grammar and vocabulary. Grammar because, as I said, most of the time I have problems in this area, especially with tenses. And vocabulary because it is a large area with many things to know, I think that English vocabulary never stops.
Well, in my opinion talk with a native speaker is the best way to learn English, also by internet or watching English movies.