miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

A. Why is culture important in studying language?
I think that culture is an invisible rope, which ties people of an specific place together...Language is the most important component of culture because much of the rest of it is normally transmitted orally. It is impossible to understand the subtle nuances and deep meanings of another culture without knowing its language well.

B.What aspects of your culture are most interesting for foreigners?
Costa Rican cultural is very interesting, in my opinion Costa Rica is attractive fot its hospitable culture.
Also I have hear that the food is another interesting aspect of our culture.
Costa Rica is a clean country with lots of nature, the culture of preserve this nature is other thing that is attractive for tourism.

C.What aspects of your culture are most challenging (difficult) for foreigners?
Something that represents a challenge for foreign people is the language.

D.What do you like best/least about American culture?
Somethings that I like about american culture is the technology advance, the accesible of it for citizens, the social economy is stable so it is good for culture.
On the other hand, I dislike american food, and the diet of this country I think that this culture aspect is killing lots of people.

E.What do you like best/least about Costa Rican culture?
I really like Costa Rican typical food, also the nature and how some people take car of it. I diskile "ticos" punctuality.

F.What would you change about Costa Rican culture if you had the chance?
As I said the punctuality.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Andrea!

    Thanks for your thoughts. (Also, remember to do your entry for the questions from week 1).

    Do you think that the Spanish language is the only aspect of Costa Rican culture that is difficult for foreigners to come to terms with? I'm just asking because it seems that a lot of Costa Ricans speak English, especially those who work in areas related to tourism, and I may not have thought of language right away, personally.

    You also mentioned food being an interesting aspect of CR culture... why do you think that is?

    Also, remember to capitalize American and Costa Rican, even if they're being used as adjectives.

    Thanks, and have a good day!
