viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

My blog's grade.

My blog's score is 9.
I thought that all my posts were good, but I did them a little bit late because of my work.
I did my best posting ideas and I tried to find the way where them could be insteresting.
I did all the assigments unless the one in which we had to rewrite our story, that's because I did it late.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

”Homosexual Marriage”

1. Homosexual marriage has to be legalized in Costa Rica.
2. Homosexual people have the same rights than heterosexual ones.
3. Don’t accept homosexual marriage is a synonym of racism.
I disagree with the statements posted above; I think that if Costa Rica approves homosexual marriage we will see them everywhere. It doesn’t mean that I hate them, but is kind of disgusting see them in romantic situations.
I agree that we have to share rights with every kind of people, but in my mind doesn’t exist a same-sex family.
We have to respect others and their preferences, but I hope that homosexual marriage wouldn´t exist in Costa Rica.

Carmela’s business trip.

One day Carmela decided to go on a business trip.
The insurance company where she works chose her as the best one for traveling.
She stared her journey one Tuesday morning and she will never forget this day.
Carmela arrived to the airport with her luggage, it was just one suitcase. While she was doing the line a handsome man (Ricardo) started talking to her.
She was interested to meet new friends, so they became good friends immediately.
Ricardo asked Carmela for a favor. He needed Carmela´s luggage to keep two cans of tuna fish.
She was amazed with the sightseeing, so she didn’t pay attention to the tuna fish cans.
After few minutes the fight took off and everything was ok. The trouble started when a police officer asked for Carmela´s passport and the security stuff stopped the flight to arrest Carmela.
She didn’t know what was happening until the police officer told her about the tuna fish cans in her luggage.
The cans were full of drugs and unfortunately Camela finished her business trip in the jail.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Are you having any strange situation with your partner?

Are you suspecting something is wrong with your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Is something that you don’t like appearing?

It’s time to know what is wrong… It’s time to discover the reality…Let’s check if your partner is cheating you!
Tomorrow during the English class you will see how to trap a cheating guy through a terrific product made by me.
This is just a preview of what you’ll see during my presentation, I chose this topic because a friend of a friend is dealing with her boyfriend’s lies, I decided to help her and at the same time help most of women in the world.
You are cordially invited to discover the reality with my help, let’s give a step on the future, let’s try this innovation that is making everyone becomes aware of reality.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Ideal location for business in Costa Rica.

I think that business is everywhere, it depends more on ideas than location.
One good place for business in Costa Rica can be San José, that’s because it is the capital of the country. In San José you can find people everywhere, but at the same time you can find competence everywhere.
Another ideal place for commerce is closer to the beach. Now days; beaches are full of tourists, and tourism is one of the best way for development.
Also you can do it in your own town, sometimes if you start business with the people you know, you create strong bases for future projects.
You can think on the best location in Costa Rica for business, but the key is how to sale and how to call customer’s attention.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

What and How I normally eat.

Food likes are related to customs in our family and culture in our country.
In my family we used to eat rice, beans, meat, veggies and salad. This is the most common pattern repeated all days in my family diet.
These foods can be combined in different ways such us soup, mixed rice or with pasta that makes variable meals.
I used to eat three meals per day, nutritionists say that the recommended amount of meals per day is 5, but my disorganized life style doesn´t permit me follow these recommendations.
The way my family eats is common for most families in Costa Rica, that’s because we are a native family and we learned this country’s culture well. As I mentioned before food depends on culture, so I think that people in Costa Rica prefer to eat typical food than foreign food.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

How will education and/or business change in the future?

Is simple to have an overview about future; talking about business and education advantages.
For future generations teachers will be extinct, everything will be solve by internet, using technology and lots of new things that now days we don’t know.
We will forget written homework or exams, those are bad news for us (teachers), but I think that teachers will be replaced by computers and internet.